is a communication designer (MA) based in Berlin who works at the intersection of design, culture, and society. With a professional and academic background in communication and information design, she creates concepts and designs for print, digital media, and visual strategies. Her work spans cultural, educational, and social sectors, encouraging dialogue and enabling participation in knowledge.
Inquiries about freelance work, collaborative projects and any other opportunities, feel free to contact via E-Mail or DM:
Mail: contact[at]
IG: @sovielpixel
Mail: contact[at]
IG: @sovielpixel
Rundgang 2023 UdK Berlin
● Visual Campaign
● Visual Campaign
Concept & Design with Ira Göller
for Berlin University of Arts, 2023
for Berlin University of Arts, 2023
Wenn Du an das Thema Gesundheit denkst, was fällt dir ein? / When you think about health, what comes to your mind?
● Exhibition Contribution
● Exhibition Contribution
Concept, Interviews & Design with Luise Menz, Lena Würsching (Formate des Dialogs)
Exhibition “Caring in Times of Continuous Crisis”, Kasseler Kunstverein, August 26 - October 15, 2023.
Wege zum Recht / Paths to Justice
● Science Communication
● Website
● Science Communication
● Website
Collaboration with research group ‘Law and Governance in the Context of Social Inequalities’ at the Social Science Research Centre Berlin (WZB).
Master final project, Berlin University of the Arts, 2024.
Currently in process of realisation.
Re-Branding Zabriskie Bookstore
● Brand strategy and corporate design
● Brand strategy and corporate design
Concept & Design with Sandra Méndez
for Zabriskie Bookstore Berlin, since 2023.
for Zabriskie Bookstore Berlin, since 2023.
● Visual Campaign & Photograpy
● Visual Campaign & Photograpy
Concept, Design & Photograpy for the music theatre play ‘HUM-AN ORECHESTRA’ for Opera Lab e.V., 2022.
Gesundheit – ein Recht für alle? / Health - a right for all?
● Exhibition Contribution
● Exhibition Contribution
Concept, Interviews & Design with Luise Menz, Lena Würsching (Formate des Dialogs).
Room installation in the exhibition ‘Sicher nicht’, Burg Galerie im Volkspark, in cooperation with the Break Isolation Group, April-June 2021.
Room installation in the exhibition ‘Sicher nicht’, Burg Galerie im Volkspark, in cooperation with the Break Isolation Group, April-June 2021.
#MeToo in der Wissenschaft
● Visual Campaign
● Visual Campaign
Design with Luise Menz for the symposium ‘#MeToo in Science’ organised by FEMPOWER Saxony-Anhalt, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, 2020.